Uncoupling p38 nuclear and cytoplasmic functions and identification of two p38 phosphorylation sites on -catenin: implications for the Wnt signaling pathway in CRC models


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Background Activation of the Wnt pathway has been linked to colorectal cancer (CRC). Previous reports suggest that Wnt3a can activate p38. Besides, p38 alpha feeds into the canonical Wnt/beta-catenin pathway by inhibiting GSK3 beta through phosphorylation. Recently, we identified p38 alpha as a new druggable member of beta-catenin chromatin-associated kinase complexes in CRC.Methods The functional relationship between p38 alpha and beta-catenin was characterized in CRC cells, patient-derived CRC stem cells, patient-derived tumor intestinal organoids, and in vivo models (C57BL/6-APC(Min/+) mice). The role of p38 alpha in beta-catenin transcriptional activity was assessed by pharmacological inhibition with ralimetinib.Results We used the GSK3 beta inhibitor TWS-119, which promotes the activation of Wnt signaling, to uncouple p38 alpha nuclear/cytoplasmatic functions in the Wnt pathway. Upon GSK3 beta inhibition, nuclear p38 alpha phosphorylates beta-catenin at residues S111 and T112, allowing its binding to promoter regions of Wnt target genes and the activation of a transcriptional program implicated in cancer progression. If p38 alpha is pharmacologically inhibited in addition to GSK3 beta, beta-catenin is prevented from promoting target gene transcription, which is expected to impair carcinogenesis.Conclusions p38 alpha seems to play a dual role as a member of the beta-catenin destruction complex and as a beta-catenin chromatin-associated kinase in CRC. This finding may help elucidate mechanisms contributing to human colon tumor pathogenesis and devise new strategies for personalized CRC treatment.
p38 alpha,Wnt/beta-catenin pathway,Colorectal cancer,Chromatin-associated kinase
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