The microcephaly geneASPMis required for the timely generation of human outer-radial glia progenitors by controlling mitotic spindle orientation

Anja van Benthem, Ridha Limame,Matteo Piumatti, Maurine Zaratin, Emir Erkol, Daisuke H. Tanaka, Adèle Herpoel, Angéline Bilheu, Harmen van Benthem,Laura Nebreda Rodriguez,Isabelle Pirson,Kathelijn Keymolen,Suresh Poovathingal, Martyna Ditkowska,Julie Désir,Sandrine Passemard,Marc Abramowicz,Catherine Ledent,Pierre Vanderhaeghen


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SummaryAbnormal spindle-like, microcephaly-associated (ASPM) is the most commonly mutated gene in primary microcephaly (MCPH), characterized by reduced brain size and intellectual deficiency. The mechanisms underlying MCPH have remained unclear, asASPMdisruption leads to distinct phenotypes depending on the species studied. Here, we studied the impact ofASPMpathogenic mutations on human corticogenesis in organoid models. We found that at earliest stages of neurogenesis,ASPMmutant cortical progenitors, located at the apical surface of the neuroepithelium, display transient mitotic spindle randomization. The mutant progenitors then delaminate basally to adopt precociously the characteristics of outer radial glia cells (oRGC), a population of progenitors selectively amplified in human corticogenesis. Subsequently, cortical progenitors are depleted through decreased amplification and increased apoptosis. Thus,ASPMregulates the timely generation of oRGC by controlling mitotic spindle orientation, shedding light on how species-specific features of neurogenesis may confer vulnerability to neurodevelopmental diseases.
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