Overexpression of miR-489 derails mammary hierarchy structure and inhibits HER2/neu-induced tumorigenesis


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Although it has been demonstrated that transformed progenitor cell population can contribute to tumor initiation, factors contributing to this malignant transformation are poorly known. Using in vitro and xenograft-based models, previous studies demonstrated that miR-489 acts as a tumor suppressor miRNA by targeting various oncogenic pathways. It has been demonstrated that miR-489 directly targets HER2 and inhibits the HER2 signaling pathway; however, its role in mammary gland development and HER2-induced tumor initiation hasn’t been studied. To dissect the role of miR-489, we sorted different populations of mammary epithelial cells and determined that miR-489 was highly expressed in mammary stem cells. MMTV-miR-489 mice that overexpressed miR-489 in mammary epithelial cells were developed and these mice exhibited an inhibition of mammary gland development in early ages with a specific impact on highly proliferative cells. Double transgenic MMTV-Her2 - miR489 mice were then generated to observe how miR-489 overexpression affects HER2-induced tumorigenesis. miR-489 overexpression delayed HER2-induced tumor initiation significantly. Moreover, miR-489 overexpression inhibited tumor growth and lung metastasis. miR-489 overexpression reduced mammary progenitor cell population significantly in preneoplastic mammary glands of MMTV-Her2 mice which showed a putative transformed population in HER2-induced tumorigenesis. The miR-489 overexpression reduced CD49f hi CD61 hi populations in tumors that have stem-like properties, and miR-489 overexpression altered the HER2 signaling pathway in mammary tumors. Altogether, these data indicate that the inhibition of HER2-induced tumorigenesis by miR-489 overexpression was due to altering progenitor cell populations while decreasing tumor growth and metastasis via influencing tumor promoting genes DEK and SHP2.
Breast cancer,Cancer models,Cancer stem cells,Medicine/Public Health,general,Internal Medicine,Cell Biology,Human Genetics,Oncology,Apoptosis
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